July’s Staff Feedback Survey had an 84% response rate with an eNPS score of 33. Scores can range from -100 to +100; anything above 0 means that you have more promoters than detractors. A score of 50 and above is considered excellent and 70 and above is considered world class. Currently, Ritz Carlton’s NPS score is 78, Amazon’s is 67, Apple’s is 47, Google is 11, Coca-Cola is 0. There isn’t a known company that has a 100 to date.

When our objective is to continue to improve and to grow, we actually don’t want a 100 NPS score; that would indicate we have no room for forging the trail! The information gained from this survey will help us to understand where we need to improve in providing the best team experience for you. We will continue to monitor our NPS score quarterly to see how our growth implementation contributes to overall team member experience. There were lots of positive comments that were shared in this survey including lots of love for our teams, our Core Values, and for the increased communication between offices. A few issues that were brought up in the survey by several staff included: equipment maintenance, interruptions to the supply chain, difficulties due to being understaffed, and a feeling that administrative staff are disconnected.

We’d like to share with you some thoughts and action plans the Leadership Team has about these issues:

Equipment maintenance: Timber needs your help with figuring out the best protocols for reporting issues & maintaining our equipment. Please bring your ideas and suggestions to your Lead Doctor and Office Manager!

Supply chain: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect this globally and unfortunately that means that sometimes Amazon orders may take longer than usual to arrive.

Understaffed: We are actively hiring to fill our open positions! Thank you to all of you working so hard to fill these gaps!! We hope to be back up to our fighting strength very soon. Please send us your dental friends!

Admin Staff Disconnect: A feeling of disconnectedness is a natural consequence when some team members are working remotely while others are in office. Our monthly One Timber Zoom meetings are one way to bring everyone together! It’s tough right now during this global pandemic, but if we continue to treat each other with grace and understanding we can all help to create a better Timber!